How we work? FAST

Life is too short for bad software

We love building quality software, and we love to do it fast.

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Full-stack development

Full-stack development

... is what makes us different. Our teams move faster and build better-quality products by eliminating friction between the backend and frontend. Some people are skeptical about it being possible to find high-qualified full-stack developers. We know first-hand that it's hard but doable, and our team proves that it is possible. For most projects, it's a game changer.

Read more in our blog:

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Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery

True DevOps – in its original meaning, DevOps is a methodology for the whole team and not a job title. We treat it exactly like that. Our development teams know how to operate production environments and deploy their work safely. Ubiquitous automation and robust safety nets allow us to push to production daily while maintaining excellent uptime.

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Efficient communication

Efficient communication

Productive communication and work transparency are crucial for project success. We prefer to have open team communication by default. It greatly helps us keep the team in sync and minimize distractions.

Read more in our blog: